Manage employee schedules, leaves, timelogs, overtime, corrections and applications in a single package.
Companies hire people individual to achieve their organizational goals and people join companies to earn money & build their career
Download App From App Store Download App From Play MarketTime and Attendance is the culmination of all resolutions covering the complex and even peculiar requirements of high population industries here in our country.
Manage employee schedules, leaves, timelogs, overtime, corrections and applications in a single package.
Handles complex rules and policies like broken shifts, period adjustments, crossovers and much more.
Scales even with processing requirements for tens of thousands of employees spread across nationwide.
Read from almost all types of electronic time recorders and post summary results directly to payroll.
Features above directly redounds to benefits that identify to Philippine clients no matter how complex and large your timekeeping requirements are.
Timekeeping becomes less of a burden when manual entries and computations are completely removed.
Applications are approved online and employee timelogs downloaded and processed regulary.
Allowing employees to manage their time records on demand will help them see how well they’re utilizing their time at work.
Employees knowing their timesheets are accurately computed and applications are approved on time let them focus more.
Rest assured that the system follows the law on accurately computing your employees time and attendance.
Read from biomterics and POS systems. Link your canteen, service charge and similar time-based transactions.
Cut-off dates and deadline setting for leaves and overtime. Cut-off dates allow immediate filtering of transactions and provide end-user a faster way to navigate all throughout the system.
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1002 Rufino Building
6784 Ayala Avenue, Makati
Makati: (+632) 844 9722